Participatory budget and Libraries on the example of Gori Municipality


  • Giorgi Kiladze The National Parliamentary Library of Georgia


Civil Budget, Gori, Local Government, Citizen Involvement, Municipal Program Priorities, Libraries, Project Initiatives


In this article, the author tries to answer some interrelated questions about the relationship between participatory budgeting and libraries.
1. What kind of relationship can a participatory budget and a library have if:
1. The library is the priority of the participatory budget
1.2. The library is not a priority of the participatory budget
1.3. To what extent is the library›s topic the participatory budgeting?
2.1. Foundation/restoration of the library (Another problem is the librarian's salary. There is no salary for the participatory budget for the project. It's interesting whether local schools' initiative - ‹a day in a week as a librarian› will be a priority. What results will it give us in terms of strengths and weaknesses, in terms of appearing opportunities and threats (loss of books, magazines, so on).

2.2. Promote the transformation of the existing library into public space (training, film screening/one-time purchases of equipment for discussion, promotion of new groups of immigrants in the library service area; increasing public interest in contemporary literature; Developing the library programs (for
example, civil education subject).

2.3. Occasional supply with books, magazines, so on.

3. The issue of the relationship between the participatory budget and libraries requires special studies;

4. We should pay particular attention to the current and potential attitude of the population to the topic of the library; should identify the causes of existing problems and find ways and means to solve them, as far as possible;

5. The study should also focus on the relationship between the local budget and the participatory budgeting regarding the libraries;

6. It is necessary to activate the library community at the stages of preparing and conducting the information campaign of the participatory budgeting with the population;

7. Indicate several issues that can be financed and prioritized in the participatory budgeting for the current year.




