ტარიელ ფუტკარაძე - ქართული ლიტერატურის მკვლევარი
https://doi.org/10.48614/yk.12.2020.8-15საკვანძო სიტყვები:
ტარიელ ფუტკარაძე, ქართული ლიტერატურა, მკვლევარი, განდეგილი, მხატვრული სახე, პატრიოტიზმიანოტაცია
The topicality of the topic: Fundamental research of centuries-old Georgian literature mainly begins in the nineteenth century. Since then, several important works have been studied and researched by scientists. Scientific-philological scientific work continued in the twentieth century, however, in the first half of the twentieth century, scholars were reporting on communist ideology, which is why many literary texts were often misjudged. In the eighties of the twentieth century, a generation with a national consciousness emerged on the scientific scene. They were able to somehow revise the existing scientific opinions and, at the same time, re-evaluate several monuments of Georgian literature and formulate their point of view.
Aim of the research: The present study aims to present the merits of T.Putkaradze, a prominent twentieth-century scientist. Although his main field of study was Kartvelology and Linguistics, he did not neglect the problematic issues of old or new Georgian literature. He devoted an interesting study to the issues of both old and new Georgian literature. The research aims to study these scientific views and to demonstrate the new and different approaches of the researcher to these issues
Main Conclusions: As a result of studying T. Putkaradze’s scientific works, the following conclusion was made:
1. The researcher re-evaluated several Toto, these migrants monuments of Georgian literature in a completely new way.
2. Distinguish the periods of functioning of Georgian language stylistic variants:
● Pre-writing period
● Fifth-tenth centuries
● Eleventh-twentieth centuries 3. 3. Contrary to the opinion of other scholars, the researcher considers the eighth century to be the probable time of the creation of „Praise and Glory of the Georgian Language“.
4. The story of all the states discussed in „The Knight in the Panther`s Skin“ is an analysis of different ways of development of Georgia in the eleventh thirteenth centuries.
5. T. Putkaradze’s assessment of I. Chavchavadze’s „Hermit“ is a completely new word in the study of the poem. He singled out three theses:
A. Due to the decline of the people’s faith, the given state is in danger of destruction. According to Ilia, Bethlehem, empty of prayers, is Georgia;
B. there is eternal wrestling of spiritual and physical origins in man; A living person is not able to completely deny his carnal origin;
C. Only a highly moral person can rise above carnal passions.