ბათუმისა და შავი ზღვის პოეტური აღქმისათვის მხატვრულ ტექსტებში


  • თამარ გოგოლაძე გორის სასწავლო სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტი

საკვანძო სიტყვები:

შავი ზღვა, ქართული ლიტერატურა, ზღვისპირა ქალაქი, გიორგი ერისთავი, თედო სახოკია, გალაკტიონ ტაბიძე, ოლია ოკუჯავა, პოეტური კრებული


Batumi and the Black Sea coast, which borders the city, have been attracting the visitors’ attention (G. Eristavi) since the 60s of the XIX century, they perceived and enjoyed it. These feelings also evoke in a poet a desire for retrospection of feeling, artistic reflection.

Almost a century ago (1913), Galaktion Tabidze’s future wife, Olia Okujava, dedicated the lines to the Black Sea with admiring lines in her diaries.

Later, the most beautiful poetic lines of GalaktionTabidze were born. The most beautiful collection of Adzharia poets published in Kutaisi in 2009 in “Golden Adzhara Azure” is the echo of these lines.

The collection contains about 150 poems by 36 Adzharia poets of different times. Many of these poems are dedicated to Batumi and the Black Sea. Poets see and perceive the harmony of the sea differently, the thirst to see the near, far, or just the adored space, to express it in poetic words.

This is how Batumi and the sea harmony poets are expressed in lyrics in the collection of poems of Adzharia, which shows the power of the greatest love for the hometown, which is expressed in a fictional word.





