"დაე, იყოს ოცნება“ (ემენ დავითაძის შემოქმედება)


  • მაყვალა დავითაძე სამცხე-ჯავახეთის სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტი
  • თეა მამულაშვილი თბილისის 107–ე საჯარო სკოლა

საკვანძო სიტყვები:

ემენ დავითაძე, ქართველი პოეტი, მწერალი, მკვლევარი, პუბლიცისტი, პატრიოტიზმი


Relevance of the topic: The history of Georgian writing originates from the depths of time. The richest and most interesting Georgian literature has always reflected the common pain or joy that bothered or delighted Georgians. Adjara, one of the most indigenous and interesting parts of Georgia, makes a great contribution to the common literary treasure. Writers and poets from Adjara enriched Georgian literature, Georgian poetry, and journalism with their writing. Thus, studying their merits and creativity is a highly enviable task.

Aim of the research: The present research aims to study the work and artistic analysis of the prominent twentieth-century poet, writer, publicist Emen Davitadze.

Main Conclusions: As a result of studying the work of Emen Davitadze, his scientific works, the following conclusion was made: We can evaluate the work of Emen Davitadze with his multifaceted work as:
a) an interesting poet;
b) a highly interesting prose writer;
c) a publicist and public figure.






