პოეტისა და პოეზიის დანიშნულება ზურაბ გორგილაძის შემოქმედებაში
საკვანძო სიტყვები:
ქართული პოეზია, ზურაბ გორგილაძის შემოქმედება, სტილის საკითხი, პოეტისა და პოეზიის დანიშნულებაანოტაცია
The article talks about the author’s understanding of one of the current topics of the work of poet Zurab Gorgiladze, the purpose of the poet and poetry.
Zurab Gorgiladze presents this important topic in the history of lyrics interestingly - in his opinion, poetry is like a vase, which enjoys the beauty and attracts you to it. The poet considers poetry in the context of vocation, striving for glory, and destiny, and explains his choices by vocation. He is spiritually related to the Creator, and the Word is his best friend.
At the same time, Zurab Gorgiladze considers poetry as the biggest responsibility in Georgia and hopes for recognition. He dreams of the classics, he humbly misses them and tries to escape the fateful poetry, but he fails. That is why he remains a worthy successor of his predecessors in poetry - to play the role of mediator between God and man.
It is important for the poet that poetry does not repeat itself. He is categorical in imitation and appears as a new poet himself - his artistic language, style issues, thematic diversity are unique. The paper thematically sorts and discusses lyrical works, relevant analyzes are made and conclusions are drawn.