აფხაზეთის კულტურული მემკვიდრეობა ციფრულ საცავებში


  • თინათინ მშვიდობაძე გორის სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტი, საქართველო, გორი



საკვანძო სიტყვები:

აფხაზეთის ისტორიული ძეგლები, აფხაზეთის კულტურული მემკვიდრეობა, აფხაზეთის ციფრული საცავები


The firm unity of our country’s past, present, and future determines the peculiarities of historical events. In this paper, I discuss the invaluable wealth bestowed upon us-the cultural heritage monuments of Abkhazia-highlightingtheir significance and role in shaping historical events. The compilation includes a brief overview of several noteworthy sites, such as the churches and monasteries of Bichvinta, Bedia, Ilori, Komani, Dranda, Gagra, Mokvi, Likhni, as well as the Besleti Bridge, Anakofia Castle, Gantiadi Basilica, and Sharvashidze Palace, to name just a few from an extensive list.

These monuments form an integral part of Georgian culture, bearing witness to their historical narratives through the distinct architectural features characteristic of Georgian culture and the Georgian frescoes adorning their surfaces. Within the territory of modern Abkhazia, the abundance of Georgian written monuments provides rich material for historical-source-scientific research, paleographical investigations, and the study of the evolution of written culture. These written monuments encompass a wide range of artifacts, including epigraphic inscriptions and manuscripts transcribed on delicate materials.

The research draws upon the invaluable contributions of T. Kaukhchishvili, a renowned scholar specializing in Greek epigraphy in Georgia. According to Kaukhchishvili›s data, the Greek epigraphic monuments discovered in modern Abkhazia predominantly date back to the pre-9th century era.

The primary objective of this paper is to emphasize the importance of showcasing the cultural heritage monuments of Abkhazia in digital repositories and platforms, aimed at facilitating their widespread popularization. To achieve this, I propose the development of a mobile application that collects information about the cultural heritage in Georgian, Abkhazian, and English languages, providing insights into its cultural-historical significance and current state of preservation. Utilizing digital technologies, these heritage treasures can be shared across various internet platforms, ensuring their accessibility and preservation for future generations.





