თეიმურაზ გვანცელაძე და აფხაზეთი


  • ლუიზა ხაჭაპურიძე აკაკი წერეთლის სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტი, საქართველო, ქუთაისი



საკვანძო სიტყვები:

თეიმურაზ გვანცელაძე, აფხაზური ენის მკვლევრები, ქართულ-აფხაზური ურთიერთობები, საქართველოს დამოუკიდებლობის აქტი, კავკასიელ ხალხთა ენა და კულტურა


The paper discusses the scientific and public activities of Professor Teimuraz Gvantseladze, a linguist, a recognized researcher of the Abkhazian language and Georgian-Abkhazian relations, a deputy of the Supreme Council who signed the Act of Independence of Georgia.

Prof. Gvantseladze’s scholarly pursuits encompass an extensive study of the Abkhaz, Abaz, and Georgian languages, along with investigations into broader issues within theoretical linguistics. he is the founder of the linguistics of historiography as a new scientific direction in Georgia. Furthermore, he actively engages in numerous scientific grant programs and projects, assuming key positions such as editor of a prominent scientific publication and esteemed member of editorial boards.

Under his guidance, several candidates and doctoral scholars successfully defended their theses in the specialized fields of Abkhazology and Georgian studies. Prof. Gvantseladze has amassed an impressive publication record, 384 scholarly works, including 33 comprehensive books, published in languages such as Georgian, Abkhazian, Russian, Ukrainian, French, and English.

His significant contributions to the field have not gone unnoticed, as evidenced by his distinction as a laureate of the esteemed Giorgi Sharvashidze State Prize.

During his tenure at the theater institute, Prof. Gvantseladze played a pivotal role in guiding and supporting his Abkhaz students, leading them to lend their voices to the feature film “Ugubziara.” This film, produced by Georgian cinematographers in the 1930s, explored themes rooted in Abkhazian culture during the 1980s.

It is worth noting that Prof. Teimuraz Gvantseladze enjoys profound admiration and respect, not only from the Abkhazian community but also from people across the Caucasus region. He is actively against the so-called Apsua school, which in essence is a weapon of russification of Abkhazians. Collecting his Facebook posts related to the mentioned issues and publishing them in a book, I think, will be very useful for Georgian cause.





